A New Look at Wellness in The Workplace And The Best Ways TO Make It Work
A lot of people don’t enjoy their jobs, but if you’re lucky enough to be in a good company, and you work for good people, wellness can be a factor that can make the workplace even better. The Washington Post has now taken a new look at wellness in the workplace, and as their report tells us, wellness programs can “work best when bosses buy into them.” Reshaping the Work Place For Wellness This story points out that making wellness part of the program with your business can actually cut down health-care costs for your business. Fewer employees will call out sick, and it can even bring more talented people into your business. When one company made a strong emphasis on wellness, they realized they were saving an average of $136 per employee every month. (Fewer people getting sick, less you have to spend on insurance, etc.) This story also cited a poll where 195,000 US workers said that their personal wellness, and having good work-life balance are the second most important factors in looking for a job, even more than landing a job that will make them more money. Not only that but as the Post reports, “At least half of all U.S. employers with at least 50 employees provide some type of wellness program for their workforce,” and this should only help improve business in the United States. There is clearly more focus on wellness and mental health in the workplace than ever because on the heels of the Post story, Forbes ran a new report on how important it is for businesses to have “customized” programs. And with the economy doing well, and unemployment hitting incredible new lows, improving the wellness program in your business can give you a competitive edge. Crafting Your Wellness Program As this story explains, there shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach for wellness. And when putting your wellness program together, it’s good to know what your competition is doing, so you can offer even better wellness incentives for your workers. But the most important thing may be deferring to your employees and asking what they want in their wellness program. Ask what they would like to see implemented in the workplace, what kind of exercise and yoga programs they want, and what kind of dietary programs they’d like. It’s also important to have different healthcare plans for your workers that align with their ages. As Forbes points out, there can be up to five different generations of people working for you, and you will need to customize your health care plans according to their ages. As this report explains, there’s a great deal of people over the age of 65 in the workplace, and these numbers could double in the next 20 or 30 years. This clearly puts more importance on wellness in the workplace than ever. With people living older, it’s important to take care of them as they get up there in age, and it’s also important to take care of your younger employees so they can make it to 65 and older.
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