Alcohol Addiction can cause a lot of damage, but with our alcohol addiction treatment Los Angeles center and superb staff, you can beat your addiction and build a new life for yourself. Each one of our patients goes through a few key stages, but the secret to our success is that the specifics of your rehab addict alcohol treatment are customized for your needs.
We will work with you to find that right combination of medication, behavior therapy, and ongoing aftercare. Our luxury residential homes and facilities will make your stay with us as comfortable and safe as possible, and with the help of our trained staff, you will overcome your addiction and learn key strategies and habits that will help you stay sober.
The first stage of any addiction treatment is mandatory alcohol treatment at our drug rehab center. This detox flushes the alcohol from your system and is done only by trained medical professionals. This limits the sometimes dangerous withdrawal systems and helps keep you safe throughout. Our trained team will then help you manage the common withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fevers, bouts of nausea, high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, and even hallucinations. We will be there with you every step of the way and able to support you both physically and emotionally.
Once you have overcome the withdrawal symptoms, you will be admitted to our luxurious residential or inpatient drug rehab center, which contains beautiful properties you will call home. In this residential facility, you will receive around-the-clock care. Together we will create a bespoke treatment plan that includes a variety of medication, therapy, counseling, and holistic treatment to help you adjust to a better, sober life.
Graduating from our residential alcohol addiction treatment Los Angeles facility will mean you can finally leave our facilities to return to previous commitments, like school or work. This intensive outpatient stage is essential to ease you back into independence and give you a structured environment to help you test the new strategies and tactics we have taught you in the real world.
Our rehab alcohol addict outpatient program allows you to live independently and at home. This is ideal for those patients who are ready to move on from our intensive outpatient program and have a strong support network at home. In this stage, you will return to Forward Recovery for treatment and therapy, but the emphasis is on establishing your independence and ability to lead an alcohol-free life.
Once you are a patient, you are forever a member of our family. Our Aftercare Program is designed to be the support and security you need while you live a great, independent life. If you need help or further therapy sessions, then we are there for you. Our goal is to help you enjoy a long-term recovery. Whether you need the support you found in group sessions, or you need one-on-one sessions with a trained therapist, we are there for you.
Live on property in a supported, trigger-free environment. The expert staff of Forward Recovery’s residential substance abuse programs offer 24/7 support and will walk you through intensive therapy while listening with open hearts.
For clients who need intensive therapy but not full-time support, we offer our intensive outpatient program. This level of care provides intensive therapy while allowing you the freedom to attend work or school while staying in one of our luxurious sober living homes.
Similar to IOP, our outpatient program offers therapy on a flexible schedule and encourages increasing independence as you learn to successfully handle triggers, cope with cravings and live a life you love in recovery.
Recovery doesn’t end once you’ve graduated from treatment. We offer ongoing support, and we’re always here when you need us. Once you’ve been to Forward Recovery you’re family, and we love our family members.