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Drug use has rapidly increased in the past decade, and according to a 2017 study, over 19 million Americans struggle with substance abuse. Psychoactive drugs trigger the brain’s reward system by releasing dopamine in large amounts giving a euphoric or high-like feeling. This reinforces repetitive use for pleasure but causes adverse effects over time, especially with the 10 Most Addictive Drugs. However, there are
Holistic Drug Rehab Centers in California that offer treatment and help heal addicts from all forms of substance abuse. We have compiled an exclusive 10 Most Addictive Drugs’ List to make you aware of them and how they are destructing a generation as a whole. The list is given below:
Heroin use has risen drastically since 2002 and now more than 681,000 people in America have used it at least once. Heroin is considered one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs today. Typically, heroin is smoked or injected and hits the blood stream within seconds.
So, what makes heroin so addictive?
Heroin is easily obtained on the street at a low cost, and when it’s used it changes your brain chemistry and focuses on your brains reward pathway. Heroin goes straight from your blood to the brain and changes your mood and relaxes you. Your brain will start to connect heroin use to happiness, but this comes at a cost. With prolonged use, it’s very hard to get off the drug without certified addiction professionals and inpatient treatment. Heroin high does not last very long, so you will start to feel withdrawal faster, which reinforces use. Heroin causes physical dependence and harm to your body and brain. There is also psychological dependence which changes the way you think and make decisions. The more and more heroin you use, the higher risk you are for an overdose and possibly death.
Alcohol is considered one of the world’s most popular legal drugs used today. More than 14 million Americans have reported consuming alcohol at some point in their life. Excessive consumption of alcohol begins to affect a person’s abilities to function in society and maintain their normal life.
Short Term Effects of Alcohol:- High Blood Pressure
- Vomiting
- Mood Swings
- Irritability
- Concentration Problems
- Loss of Coordination
- Loss of Ability to Critically Think
Long Term Effects of Alcohol:- Memory Loss
- Risk of Stroke
- Diminished Attention Span
- High Blood Pressure
- Risk of Several Types of
- Cancers (throat, mouth, liver, etc.)
- Fatty Liver
When you
Consume Alcohol in Excess over time, you affect several parts of the body including your liver, brain, pancreas, digestive system, reproductive system, and more. Alcohol use is generally tied in with many co-occurring disorders such as anxiety or depression and many may try to use alcohol to self-medicate. Using addictive psychoactive substances or alcohol to cope may feel good in the moment, but there are many harmful side effects to alcohol and drug abuse and the best way to treat mental illness and substance abuse is to get treatment.
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that is legal and considered to be one of the world’s most popular drugs similar to alcohol. There’s an estimated 1.27 billion people worldwide that use nicotine. When you smoke nicotine or tobacco products, your brain releases dopamine in excess which gives off a relaxing high for a short period of time. This dopamine release creates an addiction to pleasure and smoking tobacco regularly causes tolerance so you will want more and more of the drug. When the high wears off, you may start to feel withdrawal effects, this feeling creates a drive to use the substance again. Therefore, nicotine is one of the top addictions in America.
Nicotine’s Effects to the Body
- Burning or Irritation to Mouth
- Increased Saliva in Mouth
- Abdominal Pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Increased Heart Rate
- Damage to Respiratory System
- Damage to Central Nervous System
- Weight Loss
- Risk of Lung Cancer
- Risk of Gastrointestinal Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Breast Cancer
Cocaine or crack, is another dopamine releasing drug that directly affects the limbic system in the brain so when it’s smoked, injected, or snorted, it will give off a short term, pleasurable and euphoric high. Crack cocaine is considered to be one of the most highly addictive drugs in the world, and it comes with a cost. Not only is crack cocaine more expensive on the streets than heroin, it also comes with many damaging long-term effects to the brain and body.
Cocaine’s Feel-Good Effects:
- Increase in Energy
- Warm Sensations
- Increase in Focus
- Feel more happy/excited
- Increase in Self-Confidence
- Feeling good overall
Cocaine’s Damaging Effects:
- Nosebleeds
- Seizures
- Brain Shrinks in Size
- Smaller Attention Span
- Weight Loss
- Stroke
- Mood Disorders
- Loss of Memory
- Coordination Problems
- Risk of HIV Infection
- Overdose
- Hepatitis B and C
- Problems with Respiratory System
- Possible Risk of Cardiovascular Disease or Gastrointestinal Disease
According to AAC (American Addiction Centers), there had been about 500,000 hospital visits for cocaine use in 2011, and in 2013 there were more than 5,000 reported deaths from overdose due to cocaine used. This is why cocaine is on the 10 most addictive drugs list.
One of the world’s most widely consumed substances is caffeine, which is why it’s considered one of the top ten addictions in the USA. Coffee, teas, energy drinks, and more contain caffeine. Caffeine may not be considered harmful due to the fact that more than half of America’s population consume caffeine every single day, but prolonged excessive use can come with some potentially harmful effects to the mind and body.
Why do people use caffeine?
People around the world consume caffeine as a way to start their day and feel energized. When you drink a caffeinated beverage, you may find yourself feeling more alert, more productive, and ready to complete your day-to-day tasks. It may even decrease headaches in some people.
What are the risks involved with caffeine consumption?
Caffeine users are at risk for increased anxiety, agitation, excessive tiredness panic attacks, high blood pressure and more when withdrawing and this usually makes you want more caffeine so you can stay on top of your day. These risks are higher with adolescent use as well as pregnant mothers. One study shows that adolescents consume up to 100 milligrams of caffeine each day which can create a higher addiction rate as well as higher risk of adverse effects. Pregnant mothers should avoid caffeine intake to reduce risk of low birth weight in babies, which can be potentially deadly. It’s important to understand the benefits and risks of caffeine consumption and to not use this drug in excess. A deadly dose of caffeine would be about 100 cups of coffee within a four-hour span.
Video Games
Almost half of the population plays video games, a large percentage being adults. Video games may seem harmless and may even be safe in moderation, but excessive video gaming comes with a variety of negative affects physically as well as psychologically.
Physical Effects of Gaming
- Inflammation in Wrist
- Inflamed or Swollen Thumbs
- “Trigger Finger” (Finger becomes stuck in bet position)
- Inflammation of the Elbow
- Obesity Risk
- Eye Strain
- Headaches
- Poor Concentration
- Seizures
Psychological Effects of Gaming
- Tolerance & Withdrawal
- Emotional Problems (Due to Subjection to Violence)
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Aggression
- Insomnia
- Interpersonal Relationship Problems
- Playing to Cope with Stress/ Anxiety
- Loss of Interest in Other Activities
Crystal Meth
What is the most addictive drug?
Crystal Meth is a dangerously addictive drug that can be smoked, swallowed in pill form, snorted, or injected. Meth’s high lasts for a very short period which makes you want to continue to use and repeat the behavior. Prolonged use of crystal meth comes with detrimental health problems such as risk of hepatitis or HIV, extreme weight loss, severe dental problems, severe itching of the skin that can lead to sores, anxiety, brain changes, memory loss, sleeping problems, paranoia, hallucinations, violent behavior and more. Crystal meth addiction can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy as well as
Inpatient and Outpatient Detoxification.
Prescription Opioids/ Street Opioids
Opioids are prescribed to patients by doctors for a variety of ailments, one being chronic pain. Not only are prescription opioids highly addictive, they are sold for a large profit on the streets, making them one of the most expensive illegal drugs around. What is the most expensive illegal drug in the world? An example of the most expensive illegal street drug would be OxyContin, ranging between $50-$80 per pill. Opioid withdrawal can be extremely harmful to your health. Withdrawal may look like: agitation, muscle aches, excessive tiredness, anxiety, panic attacks, sweating, fever, or a racing heart.
This opioid agonist is one of the most dangerous drugs today due to the fact that it can be abused by patients and is highly addictive. Methadone is prescribed during detoxification treatment to help combat withdrawal symptoms from opioid addiction. Generally, methadone is safe when used appropriately but when abused, can lead to possible overdose. Methadone comes with side effects such as slower breathing, sexual problems, itchy skin, restlessness, nausea, and vomiting. Extreme side effects include: hives or rash, chest pain, fast heartbeat, hallucinations, confusion and more.
More than 50% of opioid deaths have involved fentanyl in 2017. Fentanyl is usually prescribed to patients in severe pain, and it’s administered by injection, patch, or lozenge form. On the streets, fentanyl is sold illegally in a powder form and is often mixed with other harmful addictive drugs such as heroin or meth which can create a more powerful high that is more likely to lead to an overdose. If you or someone you care about is in need of professional help for a drug addiction listed above, know that there is help and you are not alone. It is never a good idea to try to self-detox at home. The first step to recovery is detoxification, and this will require inpatient treatment at a drug and alcohol treatment facility.
Holistic Drug Rehab Centers in CA are here to help.
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